Levitt Lab
Welcome to the Levitt Lab at the University of Michigan.
Welcome to the Levitt Lab at the University of Michigan.
We are interested in understanding how opioids and disease affect the brainstem circuitry that controls breathing using a variety of cellular and systems level approaches, including brain slice electrophysiology, circuit tracing, optogenetics, single unit and whole nerve recordings from a unique preparation with an intact respiratory network and in vivo-like respiratory cycle, and breathing measurements in awake animals.
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Interested in the Levitt lab?
Interested in the Levitt lab?
We are seeking curious and motivated students and post-docs! To apply contact Erica Levitt (info below).
We are seeking curious and motivated students and post-docs! To apply contact Erica Levitt (info below).
Contact Information
Contact Information
Erica Levitt
(Office) 734-647-3359
Department of Pharmacology
University of Michigan
1150 W. Medical Center Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48109